After a Babyliss pro clippers review from tested-in had experience…
Well your in this right place ansers as these clippers allowed me to pull off and film this video below:
So, in this article, we’ll take a look at the Babyliss pro-fx clipper, its strengths, weaknesses, who it’s best for, and more…
With that said, let’s get into it.
Babyliss pro clippers review – Best BaByliss Clippers?
In this this article, we’ll be taking a look at the clasic Babyliss fx, the clippers that I put Babyliss on the map and took the market by storm… And i was in it, i own toe of these things:

If you’d like to check out other Babyliss clippers worth your time, check out this review on the Babyliss Lo Pro Fx.
Babyliss Lo Pro Review: Unveiling Key Features and Performance
Now on the the classic Babyliss Fx themselves.
Here’s my overall review of the product.
Babyliss Pro Clippers
Babyliss Clippers Review
The Babyliss Pro fx series when it first came out, hit the market like a steam train, it was the first model from Babyliss and brought about their PRO line of clippers – Clippers that are now renowned and appreciated by professionals around the world.
The is a wide range of clippers under the Babyliss Pro line.
You’ve seen my overall summary but in the rest of this , we’ll go over the Classis Babyliss Pro FX in more detail and look at the “newer” version of this clipper the BOOST +.
For the fx itself, if your looking to pick it up…You can them in many colors. Black, gold, rose and silver fx. – I own the black and silver.
Babyliss Clippers Review
Now you know what, let’s go over the key metrics that you might want to think about when getting a clipper.
How exactly does the Babyliss Fx stack up?
We’ll go through this next.
Power and Performance
When it comes to power and performance, Babyliss Pro clippers are top-of-the-line.
It is simply up there with some of the best in the market.
The clipper itself has a powerful high-torque brushless motor. This means the is little to no resistance in the motor itself as it operates meaning more focused power, the clipper is more efficient, it lasts longer and is quiet.
Due to the torque, as you turn the clippers on you get a gentle “buzz”.The blades don’t just blast out of control and the clipper itself doesn’t just buzz out of your hands. Very steady and easy to control.
But doesn’t means that the clipper is weak either. It’s still a 6,800 rpm motor. That would give the seniors a good battle and those things are dubbed Wahl’s powerhouse clipper.
The fx’s, high-torque motor can push the blades to handle even the thickest and most unruly hair types with ease. I have never had any difficulty with these clippers when cutting a wide range of hair styles and I thing the motopr has a big part to play in that.
Allround it is what I’d describe as “controlled power”.
Design and Build Quality
Babyliss clippers have a unique shape to them (as you probably seen)
It’s got a unique torchlight shape to it.
It’s not that classic Clipper build you’d find on most traditional clippers as shown below.
Babyliss say they had ergonomics in mind when designing this clipper, I’d say it’s true but…
If you’re either new to owning a Babyliss Clipper or transitioning to this clipper, when you hold it, it will be awkward at first.
The way you grip this clipper and flick will change slightly and it will be something you’re just going to find out if you like or not(but I think it’s nice.)
The clipper has some base to it, so you can feel the weight at the center of the clipper but overall it’s still quite light so all around, the design is quite good.
The clipper itself is stylish and has a premium feel – That’s expected, Babyliss is a premium brand.
The exterior is an all-metal housing with a knuckle barbell grip which hugs the hand well and allows for better control
It’s a highly quality build, with a unique design. On this front, you won’t be disappointed
Ease of Use
Once you get used to this Clipper in your hand, it becomes a very easy Clipper to use.
It doesn’t buzz out of control as I stated earlier and gives you a good grip while in use, so from the control side, it’s exceptional.
My clippers with a sharp and durable fx801b fade blade, when powered by that Babyliss brushless motor provides excellent cutting performance and excel at fading.
So on that side, fading isn’t a problem.
But what’s great about Babyliss is they have a whole range of blades with their own unique qualities which you can swap out when you need a blade with certain attributes.
So if you’re struggling with the fade blade, you can get the Babyliss taper blade, put it on your clippers and you now have a blade that gives you that natural flicking motion.. which makes fading a whole lot easier, especially for beginners.
It also has a 5-detent taper control lever meaning more accuracy in the lengths you want.
It’s an easy Clipper to use with lots of support and flexibility should you need it.
Battery Life
The battery life on this Clipper is ok at around 2 hours.
At the time it was released, that is rather good, but if you’re a barber and only have 1 Clipper to be used multiple times a day, it isn’t great but can do the job.
If you’re after a personal clipper, the battery on this clipper is more than enough to give you the cut you need when you need it.
So not exceptional battery life but still quite good.
So, now you know how the physical metrics of the Babyliss Clipper work, how does it stack up against the latest Babyliss clipper in the Pro Fx line… The Boost!
We’ll go through that later but first, let me give you a quick review breakdown of the fx below.
Comparing Babyliss Pro Clipper to the Boost + Fx Clipper
Over the years the Babyliss fx line has had .. well a boost, and you might want to be aware of the changes.
BabylissPro Boost
To put it simply, the boost + fx, (is meant to be the upgrade on the Babyliss fx) and this Clipper too is quite impressive.
The BaByliss Boost+ Hair Clippers are professional and cordless clippers that offer a high-performance cutting experience.
This boost features a brushless motor, running at 7,200 RPM.
A powerful motor that has even less internal resistance and comes with a bitmore power than the original Babyliss fix.
It has a lithium-ion battery that provides up to 3-4. hours of cordless runtime, a two-hour increase in the Babyliss fx.
The clippers package for the boost comes with 8 comb attachments ranging from 1.5mm (½ guard) to 19mm (8guard), allowing you to create various styles and lengths with precision and ease.
The boost +comes with the charger and clipper oil and guards, meaning smoother operating power but so does the Babyliss fx package, so on what you get they’re similar.
But the tick, point lever on the boost+ is sturdier and more durable compared to the Babyliss fx.
The lever on both clippers lets you adjust the blade length from 0.5mm (closed) to 2 mm (open) plenty of range to create textured blends and has the space to be zero gapped if needed.
The boost also comes with the new Babyliss DLC blades which are durable and sharper than a blade that comes with an original fx…
But remember, even if you do get the original Babyliss fx, you can always swap the blades on that Clipper and get DLC, you are not stuck with the blades you get out of the box.
This boost+ doesn’t look bad either – It’s the same mould but it look more filleout
It has a sleek and ergonomic design with a matte black or gold finish and resistant diamond grip padding (an upgrade on the Babyliss fx grip)
It’s pricey but comes in at around 20 dollars more than the original babyliss fx.
My opinion from using both clippers, I didnt find much of a difference honestly. I don’t own the boost but I’ve tried it from a friend. They both perform the same, but I would say if you value battery, that’s were the boost stands out compared to regular Fx.
I would say if you do invest, you won’t be disappointed in either model but if you want the newest and best, the Babyliss boost, with the better grip and battery may sway you.
You can grab them below at their best price:
I have been using Babyliss Pro Clippers for quite some time now, and if you’re after a clipper to take you into real professional cutting…then these are your clippers.
These clippers are designed to meet the demands of both professional barbers and at-home users.
One of the best things about this clipper is its good creed italian Brushless motor( A brushless creates less resistance and is more powerful and allows variable speed vs. a brushed/regular motor).
I’ve had these clippers for a few years and they’ve always had a high performance and have cut through all hair types with ease. My clippers with a sharp and durable fx801b fade blade when powered by that Babyliss brushless motor provides excellent cutting performance and excel at fading.
But this blade excels at the lower levels.
Naturally, the fade blade can be tricky to get used to if you are a beginner but what’s great about this type of blade is it cuts true to its length.
And if you don’t quite have the technique down yet in using a fade bade without accidentally creating a whole new guideline, you can always grab the tapper blade or the newer fusion blades for Babyliss which are more beginner friendly and start there, then swoop to the fade blade when comfortable.
Another great feature of Babyliss Pro Clippers is their ergonomic design. These clippers are designed to fit comfortably in your hand, making them easy to use for extended periods of time. They are also fairly lightweight and have a durable feel to them but…
If you’re new to Babyliss you will have to get used to their torchlight shape clippers. It’s a unique shape and does take some growing use, but once you get the hang of it, it’s one of those things that you’ll either love or hate.
But you’ll only know once you have it in hand.
Overall, Babyliss Pro Clippers are a great investment for anyone who wants to achieve a professional-looking haircut at home. They are powerful and easy to use and the package comes with lists of accessories to give you the flexibility to be as creative as you want.
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