Knowing how to sharpen clipper blades with a stone can save your clipper blades from doom. If you’re looking for a guide on how to do so, well you are in …

How to sharpen hair clippers with sandpaper. If that’s the question in mind, then you are in the right place. In this article, I’ll go through the …

Andis is a popular brand that produces great hair clippers. But over time, their blades can become blunt, and eventually, they need sharpening. But …

You want to avoid blunt clippers. In this case, weak poor-performing hair clipper blades. Sometimes blades need to be sharpened to perform at their …

Do you want to be more ambitious in your cuts?

We all want sharper haircuts. Whether it’s on ourselves or a client, it does not matter. It’s the aim every time we pick up our blades.

But sometimes we own blades that restrict us from the best cuts—restricting creativity and risk. As proffesional barbers, this does not benefit us or our clients. 

So how can we get the best out of our blades? 

Well, it starts with them being their sharpest. I was told – ‘A barber is as only good as his Blades. Well it, turns out my blades weren’t in their best shape.

So I looked to fix it. Here’s how I did it.

Finding the process

I started searching. Answers, solutions, anything to revive my mediocre blades.

My blades were blunt and weak and I struggled to execute the haircuts the way I envisioned.

It wasn’t only me that realized, I could see the unhappiness in my client’s faces even though they didn’t say it.

This search meant more than just getting sharper blades. I needed answers to be free again.

But it wasn’t simple. The search came with blanks. The information was scattered, confusing, and times very misleading. 

Surely this isn’t what others go through when looking for answers for sharper blades?

But it would seem it was. So, my purpose changed. I wanted to create a hub of information that is easily accessible.One that is simple, straightforward, and gives you the digestible steps to sharpen your blades. 

And that is how the blade sharpening content on clipphub was formed.

Freedom gained

I, Patrick, along with other professional barbers, tested the tips. We refined them into easily digestible bits of knowledge.

And the knowledge certainly made a difference. Once again, I felt a confidence I only had when I first purchased blades. I tackled a range of hair styles without trouble and pushed my limits yet still being effective. It was a level of skill, I had rarely experienced.

The blade sharpening content covers all parts of place sharpening using a wide range of tools. Whether it’s a grindstone, sandpaper, or salt, the content that’s suits you is readily available. 

This page covers guides on when to sharpen your blades to make sure you don’t ruin your previous blades.

The signs you need to look for such as hair pulling, and overheating as well as false positives that can cause weak power output in blades and un-maintained hair clippers.

In depths steps on assembling your blades, after they have been disassembled, are also provided, from aligning the top cutting and front cutting rail correctly to set the correct blade tension of 2.5 pounds (2.5kg). You are well taken care of by all our guides.

Needed Information

Clipphub is the only place you need for all information on hair clippers. Receive the last article with industry secrets you wouldn’t have imagined.

Get inside an article, run through it deeply, engaged with the steps, and feel guided as you get the right information needed from those at the top of the profession. 

I encourage you to start reading now, the sooner your clippers are back,

Owning clippers’ average cutting blades does no service to you currently or in the future.

The sooner you can express yourself in the way you truly want, the sooner you can get to the top of your game.