Do Wahl guards fit Andis clippers?
Sometimes we just need a quick match for a quick cut but do different brand combination work?
Is it bad for the blades and the guard?.. And what modifications can be made to clippers?
All of that is answered within this post (and I will give you some extra pointers).
So with that said, let’s get into it.
Do Wahl Guards Fit Andis Clippers
The general rule for guards:
Most of the time, the guards within a certain brand are universal on all clippers within that brand. (as long as they’re the newer types of blades).
Let’s take wahl for example.
Types of Wahl clipper guards:
- Wahl (all-purpose) regular guards won’t naturally fit well or at all on Andis Clippers.

This guard only fits the specific wahl factory clipper it comes with some other wahl clippers
- Wahl premium guards

However, these guards fit:
- Babyliss fx
- Wahl Senior
- Wahl magic clip
- Wahl designer
- wahl super taper
As said, this type of guard fits most Wahl clippers and not Andis.
Will Wahl Clipper Guards Fit Andis
Wahl/Babyliss blades tend to come in at 3.9 x 0.3 x 5.4 inches while Andis blades are larger at 1.5 x 4.75 x 3.75 inches.
When you switch from one brand to another, you can struggle to make it fit this is the case due to
The Reasons:
- Screws on the Andis blade are big and push against the wahl blade
- The clip on the wahl premiums / all-purpose doesn’t fit well with the Andis blade
There’s a chance
Note – These are general reasons why magnetic blade guards (the best type of guards in my opinion) won’t (perfectly) fit Andis clippers in general.
However, there is still a chance with the clip-on guard (but it won’t fit snugly).
So try the guard but it must be a snug fit so your clippers can work with the guard instead of them working against each other.
I would advise you to get the guard for your specific clipper brand as they will overall give you the best cutting performance and detail.
however most of the time each brand has a different layout for its blade and guards.
But be aware, just because it fits doesn’t mean the guess cut to the same length as other Brands as shown by this table from Adrian the barber
This chart shows how the long blades cut differently depending on the type brand of guards on the blade as well as some guards can be missing depending on the brand.
The ‘blade’ Collumn is a detachable blade which isn’t going to be important with this topic.
- Guards work on lever-based clippers
- Blades work on detachable guard clippers
So if you can make make a guard fit another clipper brand, be aware the length of the haircut may not be entirely the same.
You can learn more about this in our guide on how clipper guards work.
Do Andis guards fit wahl clippers?
For this, we will focus on the purple Andis magnetic guards, they are the most popular and reliable Andis guards.
If you have the Andis (double magnetic guards) they should be able to fit your Wahl double screw clippers.
Overall, the double magnetic guards are just great guards in general but that’s a later topic.
The Andis double magnetic fits the
- Andis Master
- Oster Fast speed
On the other hand, if you have the Andis single magnetic guards they are unlikely to attach to wahl clippers as wahl has a two-magnet hold blade.
Andis guards with a single magnet do not attach well to the wahl clippers as the magnet can’t rest on any screw on any wahl clipper. The blade isn’t screwed down with one single screw.
As I said earlier, it’s best your keep the guard of your clipper to brand.
Wahl to Wahl. Andis to Andis.
However, if you want to put a popular guard type like the Andis double magnetic guards on your wahl clippers, there is a way to do this.
I outline the steps below.
These are the steps to putting the Andis double magnetic clipper guards and the popular wahl 1919 hair clippers.
They both have double magnet screws but the sizes are different meaning it doesn’t fit.
You will need a modified blade slider and Andis blade to fit your Wahl clippers this video goes through how to do some
Alternatively, you could order both from here: Phillyblendz
Here are the steps:
This is so the Andis guards can now fit your wahl clippers!!
Now the Andis double magnet hairs can fit your clippers.
The video below shows the full process:
Do Andis blades fit wahl clippers?
Yes, Andis blades can be fit on wahl clippers, However, it will involve a modification.
If you were paying attention, you may have realized that in the last step, we actually attached an Andis blade to the wahl clipper.
That showed the process can be done.
Once again you will need the blade and slider from Phillyblends and separately Andis master screws to do this process:
Follow the same steps which I outlined earlier,
This video from Shaun shows the process for this best:
In this article, we asked the question, Do wahl guards fit Andis clippers?
The answer is possibly they can, however, it is very unlikely they will work well and your cutting performance may not be good with the cross-guard application.
You’re best off using the guards from a specific brand and if you were to use a guard from another brand, you’d have to get the blade of the other brand on your clippers too.